

    Physical enquiry


    -Thinking Body-

    Inspired by book ,,The Thinking Body" M.E.Todd



    What about that long evolution story dwelling in you?

    Knowledge about the body, movement is an opportunity to understand that story.


    "Thinking Body" is a process of searching and learning.

    Through studying the human body and its relation with the environment, we are looking for a better understanding

    of what is to be a human being.





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  • Concept of - THINKING BODY -

    - THINKING BODY - is a perspective that emphasizes the importance of movement and knowledge ABOUT THE BODY. Movement can be used to EDUCATE about the body, EXPRESS IDEAS, EXPLORE possibilities and CREATE NEW CONNECTIONS with your body and others. It can also be used to create a SENSE OF PRESENCE and awareness. Finally, it is closely related to the concepts of EMBODIED COGNITION and SOMATIC INTELLIGENCE, which emphasize the importance of the body as a TEACHER.


    Ieva Ginkevičiūtė
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    "In those moments when awareness succeeds in being at one with feeling, senses, movement, and thought, the carriage will speed along on the right road. Then he can make discoveries, invent, create, innovate, and know."






    BODY represents the instrument of action, authentic self, and knowledge.

    SPACE represents freedom and boundaries, inner-outer space inside and outside the body.

    MOVEMENT represents the connections, meeting points, creativity


    If You:


    - Want to deepen your knowledge about yourself and your body.
    - Are working with the body, movement in various fields.
    - Like to learn through experiential learning


    During the workshop you will:


    - Use different resources to investigate the body (anatomy, biomechanics, bodywork, meditation, contact improvisation, A.Boal games, reading "The Axis Syllabus" Human movement lexicon (F. Faust), "The Thinking Body" (M.E.Todd) books.

    - Reflect using group work methods (World Cafe, Circle, AI Triads).

    - Move, dance, play, and improvise individually in pairs and in groups.

    - Create and perform

  • Testimonials about workshop

    -Thinking Body-

    '' It's like to dance when no one sees it. When I was a child, I felt pleasure to move free. I felt the same pleasure in the "Thinking Body" workshop.

    I revealed that for me it is difficult to follow the leading person in the contact, although I was thinking I am an easily adaptive person. Interesting things about myself I learned through dance, through the "Thinking Body" workshop. Thank you.

    Mantas Gancevičius (Furniture-maker)

    "It is important to understand how the body works, how it affects the senses, how our feelings are communicating with the body, how they condense in the body and complicate it, as our sorrows, and disappointments turn into body cramps, as the feeling of love drops subjective kilograms from the body :) I was in the workshop about the evolution of the spine. It seems we have researched only that part of my skeleton, but in my reflection, I understood how my spine is related to my own inner axis, balance, with the ability to sustain all kinds of experiences and not to break, not to collapse. I liked it, and I got a psychological astonishment - perception. Such learning is really interesting and really about my body."

    Irena Voinič (Psychologist)

    "I like to learn about body and movement. I understand my body and movement better now. Workshop knowledge helped me in dancing and doing other physical activities. The workshop was authentic for me"

    Algimantas Stancelis (Agile Coach. Lindyhop dancer)

  • If you have any questions, or want to order the workshop please write:

  • -Thinking Body-

    Workshop facilitator

    Since 2007 exploring body and dance as a tool for learning


    Ieva Ginkevičiūtė


    web. portfolio:



    contact: ievagink@gmail.com

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    "I am happy to create conditions for learning. Especially for learning from most authentic teacher- our own body.

    For me learning is fruitful when everyone becomes a teacher in a learning process."



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    drawings Ieva Ginkeviciute